Technical Problems FAQs

Technical Problems FAQs

We completed the course in under 4 hours.

The state of Florida requires you to spend a minimum of 4 hours in our course in order to receive your certificate. In the event that you complete the course before the 4 hour mark, simply go back to chapters that you both feel you could discuss more to reach the 4 hour requirement.

The page isn't loading.

If you encounter a page where a video does not load or the page itself does not load, please try one or all of these steps below to fix the problem. 
  1. Refresh the page
  2. Restart the web browser
  3. Restart the device you are taking the course on
  4. Try using a different browser (Ex. If it isn't working on Safari, try using Google Chrome)
  5. Try using a different device (Ex. If it isn't working on your phone, try using a computer)
If none of these things seem to work, please give us a call.

We failed the quiz and can't seem to pass.

You are able to take the quiz as many times as you need until you pass. If you are struggling to pass, please note:
  1. The same 10 questions are always asked
  2. The quiz questions identify which chapter they are based off of
  3. You can retake the quiz as many times as you need in order to pass
  4. You and your partner are a team and should be taking the course and test together
If you are having difficulty, we suggest re-reviewing the chapters where the quiz questions come from.

We took your course but when we looked for you in my county approved premarital course providers, you weren't listed. Now we don't know what to do.

We have been approved in all Florida counties since 2014. Please be sure that you search for us on the list with both our instructor name and our business name, since different counties have their providers listed differently. You will find us listed under our instructor's name, "Elizabeth Hekimian-Williams" and/or as "Envision Love, LLC". For counties that do not have a provider's list on their websites, you can give them a call to verify that we are registered with them. 
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