Marriage License Info
Important 60 day deadline
Florida marriage licenses are valid 60 days from the effective date. The marriage ceremony must be performed between the effective date and the expiration date on the marriage license. More info here on how to get your marriage license.
What is the Florida Family Law Handbook?
The Florida Family Law Handbook is a book that goes over information you will need to help you have a successful marriage as well as generalized guidance on raising a family with your partner, economic issues, and what consequences you will face if ...
How to get a marriage license?
In the state of Florida, you must go to a county court judge or clerk of the circuit court to get your marriage license. What you need to know Check with the courthouse to see if you need to make an appointment. Some counties require you schedule an ...
Do I need to take the premarital course to get a marriage license?
Although a premarital course is not required to get a marriage license, there are many benefits to taking our course! After completing all the requirements for our course (spending a minimum of 4 hours in the course and completing the quiz at the ...